This option means holding your investment properties through a Personal Ownership / Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Limited Company mix – a recognised corporate structure.
Owning investment properties via a hybrid structure generally offers the most balanced solution as it allows you to legally separate ownership, enjoyment and control via multiple legal personalities, so as to minimise tax insofar as the law allows and keep as much profit as legally possible. You also will not suffer the loss of mortgage interest relief or wear and tear allowances, plus tax from your property income at 20% maximum.
If I go down the hybrid route to I have to tell Land Registry?
No, as there is no change of title. Lenders do not need to be informed as there is no fundamental breach of mortgage conditions – the lending remains in your name.
Would you have to pay Capital Gains Tax or Stamp Duty?
In broad terms, CGT and SDLT would only arise if there were a change of title, i.e. the owner transfers the ownership to another legal personality As in the case of hybrid arrangements there is no change in title , CGT and SDLT events do not occur.